Cabbage Benefits, Uses and Side Effects

Cabbage Benefits, Uses and Side Effects

Cabbage Benefits, Uses and Side Effects


One leafy vegetable is cabbage. The native names for cabbage, or Brassica oleracea, are cabbage or band gobhi ( in India ). It is a cruciferous vegetable that is a member of the Cruciferae family. It originated in the Mediterranean region and was initially grown in Western Europe. Because they are high in nutrients, eating green vegetables has several positive health effects. In addition to being delicious, cabbage is a vegetable that has several health benefits. It is used to prepare a variety of delectable cuisines all over the world. This cabbage not only adds flavour but also aids in the removal of numerous bodily issues. Detailed information related to the benefits of eating cabbage for the body and whether cabbage has any harm to the body or not is given in this article of Technol Page.

Cabbage Benefits

1). Benefits of cabbage in cancer

Sulforaphane, a sulfur-containing compound found in cabbage that gives these vegetables their bitter taste, also gives them a particularly strong cancer-fighting power. Sulforaphane has been shown to stop the progression of cancer cells. Anthocyanins, the powerful antioxidant that gives red cabbage its color, have been shown to inhibit the formation of cancer cells and kill already formed cancer cells. Sulforaphane has the ability to delay or inhibit various forms of cancer such as melanoma, esophageal, pancreatic and prostate cancer.

2). Beneficial in Constipation

Consumption of cabbage is considered beneficial in case of constipation. Because cabbage is rich in fiber, which softens the stool and proves helpful in eliminating the problem of constipation. Besides, its consumption also strengthens the digestive system.

3). Benefits of cabbage in blood pressure

Potassium helps keep blood pressure within a healthy range. Increasing the intake of potassium-rich foods like cabbage can help reduce high blood pressure levels.

4). Cabbage helps in weight loss

People who want to lose weight can include cabbage in their diet. It is rich in vitamins, minerals and other nutrients but low in carbohydrates and calories. This allows you to consume plenty of it without worrying about gaining weight. It contains dietary fiber which adds bulk to the bowel and prevents unnecessary weight gain.

5). Cabbage is helpful in digestion

Cabbage, when consumed in a fermented form like sauerkraut and kimchi, provides you with high amounts of probiotics. Probiotics are healthy microbes that help in digestion and improve your body’s immunity. The enzymes produced upon fermentation make it easier for the body to absorb minerals and vitamins. Additionally, the fiber and water content in cabbage helps prevent constipation and maintain a healthy digestive system.

6). Benefits of cabbage for hair

The benefits of cabbage’s qualities extend beyond its effects on skin and hair health. A scientific study found that cabbage contains a substance known as quercetin. This substance can lessen the issue of unexpected loss of hair, or alopecia areata. Thus, among the advantages of consuming cabbage is maintaining good hair.

7). Benefit in diabetes

Consumption of cabbage is considered beneficial for diabetic patients. Because anti-diabetic effect is found in cabbage, which proves helpful in controlling blood sugar level.

8). Cabbage for Vitamin C

Cabbage contains a variety of nutrients, including vitamin C. Every component of the body requires vitamin C for tissue growth and repair. It can support bone and tooth health as well as wound healing. Additionally, vitamin C is a potent antioxidant that lowers the effects of free radicals, so lowering the risk of heart disease and cancer.

Uses of cabbage

We can use cabbage in various ways for our health, we can use it in some of the following ways:

1]. Vegetable cabbage can be prepared and consumed.
2]. Soup can be prepared and consumed.
3]. Macaroni and noodles can also be made with cabbage.
4]. You can also consume cabbage juice for better health.
5]. Cabbage salad is ready to eat and prepare.
6]. You can make and eat cabbage parathas.

Side Effects of cabbage

Cabbage is a beneficial vegetable, but sometimes cabbage can also have disadvantages. The benefits and disadvantages of eating cabbage depend on its quantity. If it is consumed in excess, the Side Effects of cabbage can be as follows.

1}. Allergies to cabbage can be a drawback, but they are quite uncommon.

2}. In addition to being beneficial for diabetics, cabbage helps lower blood sugar levels in those with normal blood sugar.

3}. Gas issues may arise from cabbage.

4}. Cabbage should not be consumed by those with hypothyroidism, a condition in which the thyroid gland is unable to create thyroid hormone.

5}. When cabbage is consumed in excess, the body may absorb harmful substances such as thiocyanate, phenyl cyanide, and goitrin. Thyroid function is disrupted by increases in goitrein and thiocyanate, and benzoyl cyanide may have negative cutaneous and respiratory consequences.

6}. Consuming significant amounts of cabbage can lead to digestive issues such as diarrhoea, gas, and stomach aches.

Cabbage Nutritional Value

Cabbage Benefits
Nutrients Value per 100g 
Water92. 18 g
energy25 kcal
protein1.28 g
Total Lipid (Fat)0.1 g
carbohydrate5.8 g
fiber2.5 g
Sugar3.2 g
Calcium40 mg
Iron0.47 mg
Magnesium12 mg
Phosphorus26 mg
potassium170 mg
Sodium, Na18 mg
Zinc0.18 mg
copper0.019 mg
Manganese0.16 mg
Selenium0.3 µg
vitamin C36.6 mg
thiamine0. 061 mg
riboflavin0.04 mg
niacin0. 234 mg
Vitamin-B60.124 mg
folate43 µg
Colin10.7 mg
Vitamin A5 µg
Vitamin-E0.15 mg
Vitamin K76 µg
Fatty Acids [Total Saturated]0.034 g
Fatty Acids [Total Monounsaturated]0.017 g
Fatty Acids [Total Polyunsaturated]0.017 g
NOTE :- The nutritional value mentioned above depends on the quality of the product.


The suggestions given in the article are for general information only and should not be taken as professional medical advice. Consult your doctor if you have any questions or concerns.

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