Dengue Fever, Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment

Dengue Fever, Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment

Dengue Fever, Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment


The mosquito-borne illness known as dengue fever is excruciating and crippling, and those who contract the virus for the second time are far more likely to experience severe symptoms. Dengue fever symptoms include high temperature, rash across the body, headache, and pain in the muscles and joints. Life-threatening bleeding and shock might result from certain extreme cases. The virus that causes dengue is transmitted by the bite of a particular type of mosquito. Female Aedes aegypti mosquitoes are the primary vectors of dengue virus transmission.

Causes of Dengue Fever

1}. Dengue fever is contracted through mosquito bites; it cannot be contracted from an infected person. The virus infects a person when it enters their circulation through an infected mosquito bite.

2}. Dengue virus (DENV) is the name of the virus that causes dengue. Given that there are four DENV serotypes, an individual may contract the virus four times. A virus belonging to the Flaviviridae family causes dengue. Any of the four related dengue viruses—dengue viruses 1, 2, 3, and 4—causes dengue. Because of this, a person may contract the dengue virus up to four times throughout their lifetime.

3}. You have lifelong immunity against the dengue fever virus once you recover from the illness, but not to the other three forms of dengue fever viruses. This implies that any of the other three virus kinds could re-infect you in the future. The chance of getting severe dengue fever rises if you contract the illness for the second, third, or fourth time.

Symptoms of Dengue Fever

Symptoms of Dengue Fever Technol Page

Dengue fever symptoms can last up to 10 days and often start four to six days after infection.

3). Vomiting
4). having diarrhea
5). high fever [105 degrees]
6). severe headache
7). pain behind the eyes
8). severe joint and muscle pain
9). skin rashes
10). pain behind the eye
11). severe pain in stomach

There may be some other symptoms of dengue also. If you feel any of the symptoms mentioned above, then you should immediately contact your doctor.

Dengue Diagnosis

dengue Fever

A blood test to detect the dengue virus can be used by doctors to identify dengue infection. To diagnose dengue fever, doctors may recommend a combination of blood tests, such as the ones listed below :

1). Complete Blood Count {CBC}

To find the drops in hematocrit, haemoglobin, and red blood cell (RBC) counts that are connected to severe dengue fever, as well as to look into the low platelet counts that are typical of the disease’s latter stages. occurs with

2). Dengue Virus Antigen Detection {NS1}

This test can be performed 1-3 days after the initial dengue infection to confirm the presence of the dengue virus and is helpful in diagnosing early dengue infection.

3). Dengue Serology Test

In order to identify antibodies generated by the immune system following viral exposure, these tests work best when carried out at least five days following exposure to both main and secondary infections.

There are other methods of dengue test available in medical science, some of whose names are as follows:

1. Chest X-ray

2. Renal Function Test

3. Liver Function Test

4. ECG

5. Ultrasound Abdomen

In case of severe dengue fever symptoms, the doctor may suggest the tests mentioned above to know the spread of dengue infection to other organs.

Dengue Treatment

Dengue fever has no specific therapy. Painkillers and fever-reducing drugs can be used to manage fever symptoms and muscle soreness. Acetaminophen or paracetamol are the best options for treating these symptoms.

Anti-platelet medications should not be given in cases of dengue fever without a doctor’s prescription. To reduce the chance of dengue fever complications, you should only take paracetamol if you have the illness and not take any other medications without a doctor’s prescription. You should visit the hospital right away to be checked for dengue fever complications if you become uneasy during the first 24 to 48 hours after the fever goes down.

How to prevent dengue Fever

dengue Fever Technol Page

Avoiding mosquito bites carrying the dengue virus is the best defence against the disease. You can take some of the following precautions to keep yourself safe:

1]. Eliminate mosquito breeding grounds in order to lower mosquito numbers.

2]. See your physician if you get any dengue symptoms.

3]. Verify that the screens on windows and doors are tight and hole-free. Use a mosquito net if the sleeping room isn’t air conditioned or screened.

4]. Use mosquito netting indoors as well.

5]. Wear long sleeves, long pants and socks when you’re outside.

6]. If air conditioning is accessible indoors, use it.

Dengue Home Remedies

1. If you are diagnosed with dengue, you can recover with home treatments like giloy, an Ayurvedic medication that is said to be highly helpful in dengue cases.

2. Papaya leaf juice is crucial to consume since it promotes platelet production.

3. Goat milk helps increase platelets and is also highly effective in dengue.

4. Black pepper and basil have antibacterial properties for your body.

5. Coconut water has additional health advantages and is effective against dengue without dehydrating the body.

6. Avoid eating spicy or greasy food when you have dengue because dengue weakens the liver, which makes greasy food bad for the liver.

7. Avoid allowing your body to become dehydrated as this might exacerbate the consequences of dengue.


This article contains general information about medical conditions, treatments, and home remedies. The information provided in the article is intended solely for general reading, and is not the result of extensive research or tests conducted in laboratories. The information provided here is not medical advice, so it is not intended to replace a physician’s consultation, and should not be considered a substitute for medical diagnosis or treatment from your doctor, or any other licensed health care professional. The suggestions given in the article are for general information only and should not be taken as professional medical advice. Consult your doctor if you have any questions or concerns. If you are feeling Symptoms of Malaria, contact your doctor immediately.

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